Boiler Advice
Best Boilers to Buy Right Now
New Year, New Boiler…. We are bringing you the best boilers to you and your home!
Posted By: Easy Boilers | Posted On:
Parting with your hard earned cash at any time of year is always difficult especially when you consider that it’s going to be spent on a new boiler, but investing the money in the warmth of your home for an extra 10-15 years could be money well spent.
Whilst keeping you in them nice warm morning showers to being cosy in your living room watching movies on cold winter nights is just some of the benefits replacing your old boiler can bring you as well as being better for the environment, also boosting your boiler efficiency whilst decreasing the chance of boiler breakdowns and also keeping that money in your pocket by reducing your energy bills at the same time.
Whilst the facts about boilers and endlessly scrolling through websites to find the right boiler can send you to sleep this information is also worth knowing and can be very beneficial to your next boiler purchase.
Identifying the type of boiler you have can be tricky whether it’s a Regular, Combi, or System boiler, we have the answers in our Boiler Guide that can help you out!
Have I got a combi boiler?
A combi or combination boiler is the most common boiler found within your household and provides both heat and hot water to your home, they are the most economical boiler as they only heat the water you require.
These types of boilers are connected to your mains water supply that comes into your house and fills your home with heat and water there are no water storage tanks needed.
Households who have old boilers such as back boilers purchase a combi boiler to replace these.
Have I got a system boiler?
System boilers function by the water being stored and heated in a separate water tank which can be ready to use when needed, and can also be found in homes with multiple bathrooms.
Have I got a regular boiler?
A regular boiler is also known as the least efficient boiler type as there is more that could potentially go wrong with them, they are the most difficult to install or replace.
The regular boiler takes up quite a bit of space in a home as includes the boiler itself that is linked to both a hot and cold-water storage tank and an expansion cistern that is located next to the cold-water tank, it is preferable to switch to a combi boiler so the tanks can be removed.