Code Of Ethics-

Honesty and Fairness

At Easy Boilers, we uphold honesty and transparency in all our interactions with customers, employees, and business partners. We are committed to the integrity of our products and services, refraining from misrepresentations or misleading statements. Our dedication is to avoid any unfair or deceptive acts or practices.

Conflicts of Interest

We are vigilant in preventing situations where personal or business interests may conflict with the interests of others or our obligation to provide objective services. Our employees and contractors are obligated to disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest.


The confidentiality of our customers, employees, and business partners is of utmost importance. We are committed to protecting sensitive information and only disclose such information as mandated or authorised by law.

Compliance with Laws

Easy Boilers is unwavering in its compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. We expect our employees and contractors to be well-informed and fully adhere to the legal requirements pertinent to our operations.

Protection of Company Assets

We are dedicated to safeguarding the assets and resources of Easy Boilers, ensuring their use is legal, ethical, and solely for legitimate business purposes.

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are core values at Easy Boilers. We embrace and celebrate the unique differences among people, cultures, and perspectives. Discrimination, harassment, or bullying based on age, disability, gender identity, race, religion, or sexual orientation is unequivocally intolerable.

Read more – Accessibility


Easy Boilers is committed to sustainable business practices. We thoughtfully consider the environmental, social, and economic implications of our decisions and activities, aiming to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive contributions to society.

These principles are fundamental to our operations, reflecting our dedication to conducting business in a legal, ethical, and responsible manner. Any violations of this code may lead to disciplinary measures, including possible termination of employment or business relationships.

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